Ginger is probably the best known species of the ginger family.
It is not known yet where the ginger originally comes from exactly. However, it is assumed that it originally comes from the Pacific islands. It is now widely cultivated, especially in the tropics of Asia, parts of Africa and South America, and Jamaica. It grows best in warm, sunny locations with nutrient-rich soil.
Ginger is known for its thick, fibrous roots. From these, annual sprouts that can grow 60 to 100 cm tall, develop. These sprouts, again, develop the flower spikes of the ginger plant. The leaves of ginger are quite narrow and look like bamboo leaves.
Did you know that ginger translates to "antler-shaped"? In fact, the shape of the roots of ginger are similar to antlers.
The roseroot belongs to the species of rhodiola, which is a member of the plant family called thickets. Based on the name, one would think that the roseroot belongs to the rose family, however, the name is misleading and the plant is not related to the common rose.
The plant is native to the arctic regions of the northern hemisphere. It is found there mainly on so-called silicate rock, but it can also be found on wet fields, in moors or on dry soil. The soil should be free of chalk and well-drained.
The roseroot is a perennial plant and very persistent - after all, it has to tolerate very cool temperatures. It reaches a maximum growth height of 30 cm and a width of about 20 cm. The leaves of the perennial are egg-shaped and gray-green coloured. In the blossoming season, its yellow-green flowers appear.
You wonder why the plant is called rose root? The rootstock of the plant gives off a rose-like smell when cutting it.
The cistus, also known as rockrose, belongs to the rockrose family.
This family includes about 20 different species, which can all be found in the Mediterranean region, as well as in the Canary Islands. Only on the Iberian Peninsula and in France, the cistus can not found.
Cistus is very resistant to high temperatures and prefers to grow in sunny places with dry soils, poor in humus.
Depending on the kind, the cistus grows between 30 to 80 cm high. It is known for its green, aromatic leaves. With its pink or white coloured flowers, the plant is beautiful to look at.
An interesting fact is that the cistus is one of the oldest plants - you can even read about it in the Bible.
The purple coneflower is a member of the coneflower species, which belongs to the daisy family. There are now approximately 40 different types of coneflower.
They all originate from North America, but due to their increasing popularity they were brought to Europe and now grow naturally in this country. Purple coneflower is most likely to be found in meadows and fields, as well as in the higher areas. Especially sunny locations with nutrient-rich soils please the coneflower.
Depending on the location and climatic conditions, the purple coneflower grows from 30 to a maximum of 120 cm. It has a deep-reaching root, which makes it a perennial, resistant plant. The leaves are lance-shaped and covered with hair. Characteristic for coneflower is its round flower head, which center reminds of a hedgehog. The flowers are purple-red in colour, which gave this kind of coneflower its name.
The scientific name of the purple coneflower is "Echinacea purpurea" - "Echinacea" in fact means "hedgehog" in ancient Greek, which is based on the appearance of the flower baskets.
The species of sage includes about 900 types, including the well-known "real sage" or "kitchen sage". All species belong to the family of labiates.
Originally, the plant comes from the Mediterranean region and North Africa. There, it grows best on calcareous soil. It is also important that it is planted in a sunny and warm place, because it is most comfortable there.
Botanically, sage is a shrubby evergreen perennial that grows to a height of 40 to 80 cm. Its leaves are elliptical shaped, slightly hairy and gray-green in colour. Characteristic is the strong aroma that the leaves give off when rubbed. From June to August, the purple, elongated flowers bloom.
You can hardly imagine that the sage is so popular? In ancient times and the Middle Ages, only trusted people were allowed to collect the herb.
True thyme is related to rosemary, sage and peppermint, making it a member of the labiates family.
The well-known aromatic plant originally comes from the Mediterranean countries, where it is still very popular. However, thyme can also be found growing wild in southern France, Italy and Spain. It feels most at home there in dry and hot places.
True thyme is a perennial plant that, unlike other thyme species, survives the winter. It reaches a growth height of only 10 to 40 cm but its roots can go quite deep into the ground. Its leaves are quite small and elliptic shaped. Thyme can be easily identified by its strong, aromatic smell. Its flowers are pale pink and grow close together.
Did you know that the name thyme comes from the Greek and means "courage" or "strength"?
Organic ethanol, alpine spring water, ginger root, roseroot, organic cistus, purple coneflower, organic sage leaves, organic thyme leaves and flowers.
To produce the mother tincture, 5 g of ginger root, 3,75 g roseroot, 3 g organic cistus and 2,25 g purple Coneflower and organic sage leaves each, as well as 2,25 g organic thyme leaves and flowers are used to 100 ml of 84% organic ethanol. After adding the plant minerals with alpine spring water, the alcohol content of the mother tincture is reduced to 65%.
How to use
Take 25 drops 3 times a day (the intake with water is recommended)
The recommended intake corresponds to a daily dose of 170 mg ginger root, 128 g roseroot, 102 mg organic cistus and 77 mg purple coneflower and organic organic sage leaves, as well as 38 mg organic thyme leaves and flowers.
Natural product: The formation of a natural sediment may occur. In this case, shake the tincture briefly before the intake.
Storage: At room temperature and avoid direct sunlight (also applies to bottles that have already been opened).
Do not use during pregnancy or lactation period.
Product details
Produced according to traditional alchemical principles (Paracelsus): production of our tinctures
✓ charge: 100 ml
✓ No artificial colorants or preservatives
✓ Vegan
3D rendered tincture image: bottle or dropper dimensions may differ from reality